optimizing database

Optimizing Database Performance: A Fashion Industry Success Story

Fast and efficient database operations are the key for a seamless and responsive user experience that keeps customers engaged and loyal. In this article we focus on eight strategies to improve database performance.


Reading Time: 6 minuntes

Features of Native Apps

  • Native apps epitomize a bespoke approach, epitomizing the incorporation of craftsmanship tailored to a specific platform.

  • Employing programming languages finely attuned to their respective platforms, namely Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android, these applications neatly tap into the complete array of device capabilities.

  • Performance, a hallmark virtue of native apps, is achieved through optimized execution, enabling seamless multitasking and fluid animations.

  • By assimilating deeply with the host ecosystem, native apps are equipped with unparalleled access to device hardware, thereby enabling the integration of advanced functionalities like cameras, GPS, and sensors.

  • Security is fortified through the utilization of platform-specific encryption mechanisms, safeguarding user data.

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Features of Hybrid Apps

  • In stark contrast, Hybrid apps encapsulate a pragmatic blend of web and native technologies.

  • Characterized by a single codebase written in web technologies—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—Hybrid apps are enveloped within a native shell that facilitates cross-platform compatibility.

  • The prime appeal of Hybrid apps lies in their expedited development cycle, guided by code reuse.

  • While not matching the performance zenith of native counterparts, Hybrid apps offer a credible compromise between platform consistency and reduced development effort.

  • They wield a fragment of access to native device capabilities through plugins or bridges, harmonizing their operational footprint with certain hardware interfaces.

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Similarities Between Native and Hybrid Apps

Generally associated with their disparities, Native and Hybrid apps share common ground in several facets. Both app archetypes enable sophisticated user interface design, engendering visually appealing and interactive experiences.

Distribution, a pivotal phase, is mirrored across both realms, as apps from either paradigm find their conduits to user devices via app stores. Notably, both categories support connectivity to remote servers, enhanced by network-enabled communications.

Furthermore, both paradigms embrace the app analytics mantle, assimilating insights to unravel user behaviors, thereby informing strategic refinements.

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Pros of Using Native Apps

The paramount advantage of Native apps resides in the realm of performance optimization. This refinement leads to brisk execution and fluid user interactions, important for graphics-intensive or real-time applications.

Native apps offer an unparalleled avenue to harness a variety of device features, presenting an imperative for applications reliant on camera, augmented reality, or geolocation.

The profundity of the user experience is unfurled through careful adherence to platform- specific design principles, thereby fostering a seamless and intuitive interaction nexus.

Noteworthy examples of Native apps span a spectrum from the illustrious "Instagram" to the omnipresent "WhatsApp."

Famous Native Apps List:
  • Instagram (iOS, Android)

  • WhatsApp (iOS, Android)

  • Spotify (iOS, Android)

  • Uber (iOS, Android)

  • Airbnb (iOS, Android)

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Pros of Using Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps wield a distinct allure centered on cross-platform code reusability, effectively curbing development costs and accelerating the release. Aptly suited for content-centric applications or prototypes, Hybrid apps present a beneficial path for reaching diverse audiences.

The utilization of web technologies for development extends an approachable entry point for web developers keen on mobile app forays. Recognized instances of Hybrid apps encompass the widely utilized "UberEATS" and the interactive "Untappd."

Famous Hybrid Apps List:
  • UberEATS (iOS, Android)

  • Untappd (iOS, Android)

  • Instagram Lite (Android)

  • Twitter Lite (Android)

  • Evernote (iOS, Android)

When to Choose Native App Development

The compass of selecting Native app development finds harmony in complexity, performance optimization, and platform fidelity. Projects requiring intricate animations, augmented reality, or real-time interactions find their zenith in the native domain.

Furthermore, applications seeking to harness the entirety of platform-specific features, like camera functionalities in a photography app, indubitably gravitate towards native endeavors.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that Native app development entails duplicated efforts for different platforms, potentially elongating development timelines.

When to Choose Hybrid App Development

The realm of Hybrid app development beckons in scenarios where cost-efficiency, rapid development, and a simplified maintenance continuum merge as primary considerations.

Applications geared towards content distribution, simple utility, or profitable prototypes, are preferably built as Hybrid applications.

Moreover, projects manifesting a shortage of resources and desiring a uniform user experience across platforms are poised to extract substantial benefits from the Hybrid approach.

In the intricate landscape of mobile application development, the dichotomy between Native and Hybrid app development is not dichotomous but reflective of a nuanced spectrum.

Native apps exude performance finesse and an intimate nexus with platform-specific capabilities. Conversely, Hybrid apps, embodying the synergy of web technologies and native containers, resonate with cost-effective convenience and cross-platform uniformity.

The choice between these paradigms hinges on a meticulous assessment of project requirements, aspirations, and fiscal considerations.

Ultimately, the harmonious combination of these methodologies promises to revolutionize the mobile phone world with numerous captivating and utilitarian applications.


In the end, the choice between native and hybrid app development hinges on the project's specific goals, requirements, and constraints. Native apps excel in performance, user experience, and access to device features, making them ideal for applications where these factors are critical, such as gaming or resource-intensive applications.

On the other hand, hybrid apps offer the advantage of quicker development, cost savings, and cross-platform capabilities, making them a strong contender for projects with limited resources or a need to target multiple platforms.

It's important for development teams to carefully evaluate the trade-offs and prioritize aspects that align with the project's objectives. Additionally, considering the rapid evolution of hybrid frameworks and the ongoing advancements in native development, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is essential for making informed decisions.

In this article


Our client, a leading private MNC in the fashion industry, was facing significant challenges with their Oracle database management. Key issues included the need for Oracle compliance review, DB platform migration from Unix to Linux, and scheduling scripts for the new server. Additionally, there was no password policy, and they were experiencing a DB file rename issue.


These challenges led to inefficiencies and security vulnerabilities. The outdated Oracle 9i platform and lack of a structured password policy increased the risk of data breaches. The inability to manage database file names and schedule backups correctly was hampering operational efficiency and scalability, posing a serious risk to the company's growth and performance.


QCSTech stepped in to provide comprehensive Oracle DBA support and platform migration. We conducted a detailed analysis of all existing environments, licenses, and users. The migration from Solaris to Linux included an upgrade from Oracle 9i to Oracle 11gR2, along with scheduling all backup and remote refresh jobs. We implemented a robust password policy and installed Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control, generating necessary rules. To resolve the DB file rename issue, we recreated the control file, ensuring smooth database startup.


The results were transformative. Performance and scalability improved significantly, enhancing overall operational efficiency. Security was bolstered with a new password policy and Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control. The Oracle Database Gateway enabled seamless connection to Microsoft SQL Server, providing greater flexibility. These improvements positioned the client for sustainable growth and operational excellence.


Facing similar challenges with your Oracle database management? Don't let inefficiencies hold you back.

Reach out to QCSTech today for expert Oracle DBA support and platform migration. Let's optimize your performance and secure your future together.

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